Continuous Delivery with Jenkins CI

Continuous delivery jobs with Jenkins

Make sure Jenkins is started, and no other programs, such as an app running in the SpringSource Tool Suite, or a running Java JAR file, is blocking port 8080.

The Jenkins URL is: http://localhost:8080

Spring Boot Jenkins Builds

Here’s a quick example of how to do continuous delivery with Jenkins. In this example, we not only build a Spring Boot app with Maven, but we run the JAR file that gets created and we test the JSON returned from a web based invocation.

Here is the GitHub repository used in the example:

The Maven command used is:

clean compile package

The code used in the second build step is available here:

Ever wonder why does Jenkins uses blue spheres? (My interview with Kohsuke Kawaguchi)

Quick Look at Plugins

I’d like to take a quick look at plugins. Very quick.

Two things you’ll need for this exercise:

clean install pmd:pmd checkstyle:checkstyle findbugs:findbugs

Install Warnings Next Generation Plugin

You can follow along, but just watching is fine too.

To follow along:

  1. Start Jenkins (wasadmin/wasadmin on localhost:8080)
  2. Click ‘Manage Jenkins’ on the left and look for ‘Manage Plugins’
  3. Look for the ‘Warnings Next Generation’ plugin. Make sure you click the Avaliable tab, as shown in the image below.
  4. Click the Checkbox next to ‘Warnings Next Generation’ and then click the “Install without Restart”

Note: Because a few plugins are a bit stale, the install may initially fail, you’ll need to restart, and then do the installation a second time.

To reboot Jenkins:

Click the start button on Windows in the lower left, and right-click on the command prompt and choose ‘Run as Administrator’

cd C:\Program Files (*
cd jenk*
jenkins stop
jenkins status
jenkins start

Create a build job

Create a freestyle build job named rock-paper-errors

Set the Git repository as:

Build Step

Add the foll0wing build step as:

Invoke Top Level Maven Targets

clean install pmd:pmd checkstyle:checkstyle findbugs:findbugs

POST Build Step

Add the Record copmiler warnings and static analysis results option as a post build step.

Click the ‘Add Tool’ option a few times to add PMD, Findbugs and Checkstyle.

Then run the build!

Jenkins Findbugs

There’s a video that describes the process on theserverside.

Pipeline Code

node {
    stage('Checkout') {
        git url: 'C:\\Software\\repos\\SimpleGreeting.git'
    stage ('User Acceptance Test') {
     def response = input message: 'Is this build good to go?',
      parameters: [choice(choices: 'Yes\nNo',
       description: '', name: 'Pass')]
     if (response=="Yes") {
      stage('Deploy') {
       bat 'gradle build -x test'

scramble for jets