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Here's all of the posts I've made on the site.

Enjoy. And have fun learning how to work with Java, Kubernetes, UiPath and other server-side stuff!

JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Just some simple networking

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

This quick Git tutorials shows you how to a GitHub SSH key setup.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Here's a quick installation of Apache on Windows 10 example for anyone who wants to install version 2.4 of Apache's HTTP Server locally.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

What's on your list of the top Scrum Master certifications to get?

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Stop doing ScrumBut. Either do Scrum properly, or don't do Scrum at all.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Here's a quick tutorial on how to remove or delete an Amazon S3 Bucket, along with all the files it contains.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Day six of 2917

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Here we'll look at Jenkins pipelines

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Here's a look at some Lambda expressions.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Day one of the Java 8 course

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

How well do you know the fundamentals of JDBC?

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Day one of the Java 8 course

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

How to edit a large image with a fork join.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Day one of the Jenkins, two-day course.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Let's have some fun with Docker

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Here's the agenda for the rest of the day

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

End of phase 1 - Eval and Quiz

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Day seven of 2917

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Day five of 2917

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Day four of 2917

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Day three of 2917

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Here's how to merge GitFlow branches and build your Java apps with Maven.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Here's a fun little rock-paper-scissors game. Can you code it?

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

How well do you know your Java basics? Try your hand at coding the numberguesser!

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

In this quick Java lesson we go back to basics and strengthen our knowledge of the fundamentals.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Here are a bunch of things we missed.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

A little Spring MVC application

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

How to create a JPA app in Spring

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

This quick Jenkins tutorial give an example of how to implement continuous delivery with the popular JenkinsCI CI/CD tool.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Some commands and code for maven and Jenkins

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Here's a quiz to test you on the benefts and drawbacks to microservices.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

How well do you know Maven and Gradle?

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

A nice diagram for Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Proud of these articles on website performance improvement. Just wish they got more hits.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Here's a quick visual comparison of monolithic vs microservices architectures. It's one of my favorite infographics.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Here's an example of how the Git Flow release branch works and how the release branche merges into master and develop Gitflow branches.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Here's an improved gitflow diagram showing all branches, including master, main, develop, release, hotfix, support, bugfix and feature.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Want to learn Gitflow? Your journey starts with git flow init. This git flow init tutorial and example will get you started on your git branching journey.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Here are a couple of diagrams that are supposed to make monolights look bad. I think they do the opposite.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

A quick, 5-minute tutorial on how to install Kubernetes minikube on Ubuntu 20. I use a virtual image here but this Kubernetes minikube on Ubuntu example works on bare metal too.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

A quick, 5-minute tutorial on how to install Docker on Ubuntu 20. I use a virtual image here but this Docker & containerd on Ubuntu example works on bare metal too.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Improve your RPA robots with the new UiPath Picture-in-Picture (PiP) feature available through UiPath Assistant. Your attended automations will never be the same!

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Privacy Policy

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Just a test post

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

A fun little exercise to brush up on your HTML and JavaScript skills.

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

Here we integrate a RESTful API into the Roshambo app

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

These are the terms of service for

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

callback page

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JDK JVM Flight Recorder Example

callback page

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